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Last update: . Author: Cyril LEROY .

Unexpected GSX End-User Experience Manager Alerts - The Underlying Connection Was Closed

While running a GSX Robot User on the same host as GSX Monitor scanning ADFS, some processes may collide due to HTTPS traffic using different TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol versions or ciphers, generating errors referring to the underlying connection being closed.

Follow this article for a workaround preventing interferences when running a GSX Robot User on the same machine as GSX Monitor.

GSX Monitor 12.0.x


  • The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
  • Robot User(s) Unreachable 
  • Failed to scan: 
    - Scenarioname on servername (serveralias) with the error:
    '<<GUID> as '<...>' @ 'https://vmgregoire.ent.gsx.com:[8444]'>' is not reachable on port 8444: One or more errors occurred. -> An error occurred while sending the request. -> The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. -> There is no Runspace available to run scripts in this thread. You can provide one in the DefaultRunspace property of the System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace type. The script block you attempted to invoke was: $true 

How to Solve the Issue

Possible Workaround

If you have a GSX Monitor configuration with ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) servers, the following workaround can resolve the unexpected errors:

  1. Stop GSX Monitor, including the background service if running.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
  • \GSX Monitor\Config\SKE\ADFS\
  • Edit the following file via Text editor:
    • GSX.ADFSModule.psm1 
  • Scroll to and edit Comment Line 94 by adding the following pound (#) character before the entry [System.Net.ServicePointManager]:
    • #[System.Net.ServicePointManager] Edit_Comment_line_94.PNG
  • Save the GSX.ADFSModule.psm1 file.
  • Restart GSX Monitor.
  • Observe that you no longer receive the unexpected GSX User Experience Manager alerts referencing to the underlying connection being closed.

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