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Last update: . Author: Alan Carson .

GSX Monitor Scan Engine Initialization Failure: Error 30003

Error 30003 is seen when two processes are using the Notes ID at the same time. You can see this error when GSX Monitor is launching. The GSX Monitor service is trying to access it while it is locked by the Notes client.

GSX Monitor running as a Windows Service | IBM Notes Sessions


  • The ScanEngine task initialization process failed and returned 30003. 

How to Solve the Issue

There are two processes trying to access the ID file simultaneously, so we need to identify what else is using a Notes session other than GSX Monitor, and then close this process. 

If it is inconvenient to restart the OS, then we can manually shut down the Notes processes:

  1. Right-click the task bar and select Start Task Manager:
  2. Go to the Processes tab.
  3. Ensure to Show processes from all users.
  4. Shut down all Notes processes (right-click and select End Process Tree). Notes processes start with "n" as for example nlnotes.exe, nsd.exe:
  5. Close any GSXREGPwd process you see in the task manager.
  6. Close any GSXUITray process you see in the task manager.
  7. Launch GSX Monitor.

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