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Last update: . Author: Cyril LEROY .

Validating the SQL Connection Outside of GSX Monitor

Sometimes, it can be useful to validate SQL connection settings outside GSX Monitor. This will help validating Database connection string and user credentials when troubleshooting issues for example.

This article describes how to create .UDL files to validate SQL Client connectivity from Windows.

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How it Works

To validate SQL client connectivity, you need to know SQL connection details:

  • SQL Server name: usually FQDN (like: servername.domain.name)
  • SQL Server Instance Name: default is "MSSQLSERVER"
  • SQL Server network port: default is 1433
  • SQL Server security: Windows or SQL authentication
  • SQL Database name
  • SQL Database credentials

A sample SQL Test connection.udl file is attached to this article.


Here are the steps to reproduce SQL client connectivity used in GSX products. This procedure will allow you to validate all the SQL connection information that will be required to configure SQL checks in GSX Monitor. 

  1. Create a new .txt file named "Test SQL Connection.txt".
  2. Rename the file extension from ".txt" to ".udl" (be sure to display file extensions; by default extensions are hidden and the real file name will end up being "Test SQL Connection.udl.txt")
  3. Double-click the Test SQL Connection.udl file:
  4. Enter the related information, reproducing what is set up in GSX Monitor (platform dependent):
    • This example uses default SQL settings with SQL authentication: 
    • This example uses default SQL settings with explicit Windows Authentication: 
    • This example uses explicit SQL settings with integrated Windows authentication: 
  5. Clicking on "Test Connection" will perform a login and display the result:
    • Successful connection:
    • Bad credentials:
    • Bad SQL Server/Database setting:


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