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Last update: . Author: Cyril LEROY .

Troubleshooting Remote WMI Connection using WBEMTest

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) or SNMP connectivity is used to retrieve statistics from platforms including Exchange, SharePoint and BlackBerry. When WMI connectivity issues occur, platform statistics can be misread or unreadable.

This article determines the root cause of the connectivity issue by utilizing WBEMTest, a third party tool that reads WMI directly to locate the error.

Windows Server 2003 up to 2012 R2


How to Troubleshoot the Issue

The following tests will allow you to execute a remote WMI request listing all Windows services and retrieving the properties for one of them. This should help in diagnostics, as you should receive some specific details about the error message, such as access denied, RPC not available, DCOM security issue, etc.

  1. To test the connection to a server, launch WBEMTest.
  2. Click Connect... and enter the server name and user credentials including any Windows domain, for example "domain\username".
  3. Click Query, and enter "SELECT Name, Description, State, AcceptStop, AcceptPause FROM Win32_Service":
  4. Click Apply. This will bring a list of all the Windows services.
  5. Select a Service in the list and then open its properties. This will generate a detailed error message if there is one.

The error message populated at this step corresponds to the root cause of the WMI connectivity issue.

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