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Last update: . Author: Cyril LEROY .

"Error generating PDF" Message is Displayed when Creating a PDF Report

You are having trouble creating GSX Analyzer reports, or you get an error when generating a PDF. Windows File and Folder Permissions may prevent Automatic and Manual PDF Trend reports from being generated.

This article shows how to solve the issue by modifying Windows File and Folder Permissions to allow the reports to generate.

All versions of GSX Analyzer


  • Error generating PDF.   
  • Missing GSX Analyzer report email attachments.

How to Solve the Issue

  1. Find the Account configured to start the GSX Analyzer Agent service:
    1. Type services.msc from the Windows Start menu and open Services.  
    2. Select GSX Analyzer Agent in the Windows Services list.
    3. The Account requiring proper permissions to create PDF reports is listed in the Log On As information.
  2. Modify the File and Folder Permissions for the Account:
    1. Navigate to folder \GSX Analyzer\Agent\AutomatedTrendsPdf\ using Windows File Explorer.
    2. Right-click the folder and select Properties
    3. Select the Security tab and click Advanced. 
    4. Click Change Permissions.
    5. Click Add.
    6. Enter the Account previously recorded in step 1.3 above.  
    7. Click OK.
    8. In the Apply to section, select: This folder, subfolders and files.
    9. In the Permissions list, check Full control
    10. Save the configuration by clicking OK in all windows.
  3. Restart the GSX Analyzer Agent service:
    1. Type services.msc from the Windows Start menu and open Services. 
    2. From the services list, select GSX Analyzer Agent.
    3. Click Restart.

GSX Analyzer PDF reports can now be generated successfully.

Some global security policies or scripts can force different File and Folder Permissions. If these are in place in your environment, be sure to update the scripts or policies to exclude GSX Analyzer folders so that they are no longer part of their scope.

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