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Last update: . Author: Alan Carson .

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 12 ActiveSync URL not Available

GSX Monitor is able to check the status of a server's ability to synchronise with a device by testing the ActiveSync endpoints. If when configuring BES 12 ActiveSync URL endpoints, you notice that GSX Monitor does not retrieve any, then you may need to check that there are endpoints configured in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

The list of available endpoints displayed in GSX Monitor is generated from what is configured in the BES Administration Console, in the Email Profile settings.

BES 12 | GSX Monitor & Analyzer 10.10+


  • No Active Sync configured. 

How to Troubleshoot the Issue

The URLs GSX Monitor is trying to load are the endpoints configured, for an email profile, to allow a device to synchronize folders with the server's copy.

To check if there are any email profiles configured in the BES Administration console, log into the browser interface.

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Log into the BES Administration Console by entering the following URL:  https://<server_name>:8008/admin
  3. Change the port from the default 8008 if required.
  4. Log in using valid credentials.
  5. Locate the Email profiles on the left, and expand this section:
  6. The available ActiveSync endpoints are listed. Select a profile to read the host name details.
    • If there are no profiles listed here, the BES server is not configured to use ActiveSync endpoints.
    • If there are profiles configured here but not displayed in GSX Monitor, check that you are using the same IP address and credentials in the GSX Monitor configuration.

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