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Last update: . Author: GSX Support (Yann) .

Changing the Notes ID after Installing GSX Monitor

When the IBM Notes ID on the monitoring station needs to be changed and GSX Monitor is already installed, GSX Monitor will have to be updated to reflect this change.

Follow this article for a simple process for GSX Monitor to utilize the new Notes ID. 

GSX Monitor | IBM Notes


GSX Monitor and its service must be closed during this quick process.

 Changing the IBM Notes ID:

  1. Close GSX Monitor and its service if running.
  2. Open the local IBM Notes Client.
  3. Import the new Notes ID.
  4. Enter the Notes ID password.
  5. Open a Name and Address Book (NAB) on any of the monitored servers to ensure connectivity.
  6. The Notes.ini file will also update while the Notes client is opened.
  7. Close the Notes client.
  8. Launch GSX Monitor as an application.
  9. Input the new Notes ID password once prompted.
  10. Close and relaunch GSX Monitor as a service if applicable.

The new IBM Notes ID is now applied to GSX Monitor.

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