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Last update: . Author: Christian Stokes .

Domino task initialization process failure: Error 30000

While GSX Monitor is scanning Domino servers, the Domino task initialization process fails and all Domino scanning halts. This error can be seen after upgrading or deploying a new Domino server that has not rebooted after deployment.

Follow this article to resolve the Domino initialization error 30000.

GSX Monitor 10.x.x 


  • The Domino task initialization process failed and returned 30000. 
  • Try to restart GSX Monitor or contact support@gsx.com.

How to Solve the Issue

Performing a reboot of the newly deployed or upgraded Domino servers, as part of its installation, will resolve this issue:

  1. Identify each new or upgraded Domino server that has not had an initial reboot.
  2. Reboot each server at the Operating System level.

GSX Monitor will now scan Domino servers successfully and consistently.

Possible Workaround

If you have to schedule restarting the target Domino server for a later time, you can disable the individual Domino server from scanning:

  • From the Main View of GSX Monitor, click the Domino server LEDs to disable scanning.

For example, the following image is one enabled and one disabled Domino server:

This will prevent the Domino task initialization error from populating until the target server is rebooted. 

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