GSX Monitor is not in itself calculating the number of unsuccessful syncs for devices, instead, it is parsing the information from statistics generated by the Traveler server.
Below we outline which statistics are used to calculate the Traveler unsuccessful syncs in GSX Monitor.
How it Works
GSX Monitor issues the remote console command Stat Show to the Traveler server through the Domino API. Stat Show provides all the IBM Traveler platform statistics including the percentage of prime syncs and device syncs that were successful and the average time syncs are taking.
The following list highlights the Device Sync return codes:
- 200=Successful
- 408=Request Timeout (the device did not respond before the server timed out the session)
- 409=Conflict (the device started a new session that caused this session to be aborted)
- 500=Unknown Error
- 503=Server Busy
GSX Monitor will add up all of the non-successful return codes and use this number as the total unsuccessful syncs.
Here is an example of Traveler Stat Show output:
DeviceSync.Bytes.In.B = 1555581
DeviceSync.Bytes.Out.B = 21509810
DeviceSync.Count.200 = 2268
DeviceSync.Count.408 = 13
DeviceSync.Count.409 = 15
DeviceSync.Count.412 = 11
DeviceSync.Count.500 = 17
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Add = 542
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Delete = 40
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Update = 107
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Contacts.Add = 629
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Add = 3751
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Delete = 1712
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Update = 479
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Add = 13
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Delete = 1
DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Update = 9
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Add = 2
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Delete = 1
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Update = 3
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Add = 24
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Delete = 89
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Update = 182
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.ToDo.Delete = 1
DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.ToDo.Update = 2
DeviceSync.FetchCache.Add = 1760
DeviceSync.FetchCache.Expired = 878
DeviceSync.FetchCache.Missing = 652
DeviceSync.Time.200.Milliseconds = 17721648
DeviceSync.Time.408.Milliseconds = 4502543
DeviceSync.Time.409.Milliseconds = 3948921
DeviceSync.Time.412.Milliseconds = 0
DeviceSync.Time.500.Milliseconds = 0
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.000-001 = 1288
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.001-002 = 230
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.002-005 = 192
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.005-010 = 300
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.010-030 = 180
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.030-060 = 46
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.060-120 = 11
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.120-Inf = 21
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.408.120-Inf = 10
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.010-030 = 2
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.060-120 = 1
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.120-Inf = 12
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.412.000-001 = 11
DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.500.000-001 = 17
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